Monday, February 16, 2009

I CAN be a Digital Scrapbooker!

I have not been so excited about digital scrapbooking since scrapbooking for me is about the process and being social in the process! I was tempted by an advertisement in a magazine to try a website called Scrapblog. Here is the fruits of my labor - a Valentine's book that I made for G. I didn't care for the coloring in my scanned older photos in the printed version of the book but they look great online. So here it is...let me know what you think.

I am pretty sure that this process will not replace my hands on scrapbooking but it will be fun once in a while for a quick project.


Jen said...

You can't see your scrap book on the blog. It says you need an invite!:-(

I love digital scrapbooking. I have a list of my favorite sites and blogs with freebies on my sidebar if you want to check them out. I have the Creative Memories program but right now have a trial of Adobe Photoshop Elements to see if I like it better...
Also loved to pics of the boys. they grow up so fast!


Jen said...

Ok- now it is there! very cool!!
