Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lordy, Lordy the Princess is 40!

So the sign welcoming me to my surprise 40th birthday party announced! I kinda knew something was up but had no idea of the scope of my friends imaginations. The invitations were rolled scrolls sent in tubes to all invitees and the theme was Renaissance and all were to come in costume. Most everyone at the party came in some sort of costume and if you didn't come in one, my friends provided you with a tiara at the door. Since I knew something was up, I shopped the week before and got some awesome new jeans and a new top and sweater from my favorite White House Black Market. I got to wear my sweet new outfit for all of 1 minute at the party and then my friends promptly dressed me in MY costume for the party! It was a lovely purple crushed velvet dress with silver lame sleeves. I was greeted at the door by a couple of presents - my cousin (and the closest thing I had to a sister when I was younger) from L.A. and a good friend from Montana had come just for the party. My amazement continued as I wandered through the house to find almost all of my friends and loved ones were there. The party was complete with a caterer, a bartender, a princess cake, a chocolate fountain (you haven't lived until you have eaten a chocolate dipped twinkie!) and what seemed like hundreds of candles and jewels covering every surface of my friend's house. It was the best party I have ever been to! You know it must be a good party when a couple of people decide to jump into the unheated pool in mid February. I can't imagine how they would ever be able to top this one. Here I am with the princess cake..

I have to say Thank You to my friends and my hubby for the best 40th birthday party ever!

Monday, February 16, 2009

I CAN be a Digital Scrapbooker!

I have not been so excited about digital scrapbooking since scrapbooking for me is about the process and being social in the process! I was tempted by an advertisement in a magazine to try a website called Scrapblog. Here is the fruits of my labor - a Valentine's book that I made for G. I didn't care for the coloring in my scanned older photos in the printed version of the book but they look great online. So here it is...let me know what you think.

I am pretty sure that this process will not replace my hands on scrapbooking but it will be fun once in a while for a quick project.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Like Riding A Bike!

Where to start after all this time! We are feeling a bit more back to "normal" since our worst ever December. G Man is playing basketball on a team with some buddies and having a great time. They had their closest game since the beginning of the season last Saturday with a final score of 52-24! Their team name is the Crushers and so far that is proving to be true. These boys are not afraid to shoot the ball. Here is a couple of pics from their first game. G Man is #33 and in the first picture he is the one taking the ball in.

The biggest news in our house since the first of the year is that RJ has learned to ride his bike on two tires as he would put it. He just decided one day that he wanted to have the training wheels off and he pretty much has been on two wheels since then. Here is a little video of his first ride!

The biggest news for D is in the second semester he has continued on with his straight A's (even in the weighted classes) so he still has his 4.60 GPA! Great job bud!!! Sorry no pics of D at high school working hard - he has strictly forbidden me from causing any embarrassing moments for him at school.