Friday, June 12, 2009

D-Backs Game and a Funny Homeless Man

A friend and I braved a Diamondbacks game with 7 boys yesterday and we lived to blog about it! The boys had a great time getting autographs before the game and hoping for a foul ball to come their way during the game. They even managed to talk one of the stadium camera guys into putting them up on the screen between innings. The picture is blurry but RJ is the one holding the giant red finger in the front of the picture.

The idea behind taking the boys to the game was to get them out of the house away from the video games that seem to take over summers in our hot climate...that mission failed and we had to drag them away from this to see start of the game!

They are a really great group of boys that has a lot of fun together.

And now to the funny homeless man story. As we were leaving the stadium there was a homeless man sitting with a cardboard sign that read: Ninjas killed my family - I need money for Kung Fu lessons to avenge their deaths. LOL - who knew homeless people could be so funny.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday G-Man!

Happy Birthday to our G-Man. Your dad and I are so proud of the nice young man that you are. You have an amazingly big heart and kind soul. You are seriously competitive (don't know where you got that!) and strive to be the best at all that you do. I love your raspy voice and the fact that you will still hug your mother and even hold my hand in public! May all your dreams come true throughout your life. Today, just for you, some inspirational sports quotes:
Vince Lombardi - It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get back up.
Tommy Lasorda - The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination.
Dick Vermeil - If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting.
Walter Payton - I want to be remembered as the guy who gave his all whenever he was on the field.
Dream big and work hard G-Man and you can do anything. We love you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Motor Vehicle Department/Opthalmologist???

When I took D a couple of weeks ago to get his driving permit, he failed the eye exam!!! The examiner kept asking him to read the line over and over so I knew that couldn't be a good sign. The boy had been having trouble seeing from the back of a classroom for at least a couple of months and didn't feel it was important to share this information with either of his parents. The nice lady at the MVD let him take the written exam as long as I promised to get him some glasses before he really started driving too much. An eye exam and a bit of cash later - here is the final result...

Oh yeah - consider your self officially warned - he is on the road now!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Jones

My Aunt Sue recently sent this out via e-mail. It is about my grandparents and the things that they taught all of us. It made me bawl like a baby because every word of it is true so my Aunt Sue has given me permission to publish it on my blog.

My Mom and Dad taught me nearly everything that I hold as a good standard and that I practice today.

My mom taught me how to recover from loss. My father taught me how to strive to change for the better. My parents showed me how to stand firm through adversity and to be patient and wait till it’s over even if it takes years.

My mom and dad showed me how to stand the loss of a child. They taught me how to grieve and how to recover.

My parents taught me that God loves me and they exemplified that unconditional love to me and to others.

My parents taught me a strong work ethic. They taught me how to work hard and stand back and observe the job and be proud of work well done. Our home was always spotless and our big yard always green, leaves were raked, and weeds were pulled. Our clothes were clean and ironed (I learned to iron by standing on a chair when I was about seven). We even ironed pillow cases and handkerchiefs. My Dad got up when it was dark and would pour and stamp cement or lay bricks. My mother’s hands were always busy doing something substantial.

My parents showed me how hospitality works and that opening your home brings in happiness and laughter. They hosted many Navy boys in the fifties, sixties, and seventies in San Diego. Our house became their home away from base. They also hosted a Vietnamese couple and their four girls after the Vietnam war was over. They were like family to my parents and was honorary grandparents to their daughters. My parent’s retirement gave them more of an excuse to host old friends and family from all over the United States. Their home was busy.

My mom and dad showed me how to plant and to grow things. They had been farmers before I was born and they continued to plant a huge garden each year. My parents canned and froze the produce from it. We ate very well and gave a lot of food away.

My parents showed me how to share. They gave their money and time to help others. My parents tithed ten or more percent of their income. They always had plenty. My Dad gave time to help others pour cement, or plant, or visit the sick. My mom volunteered in the community. She taught ESL classes for years. She taught Sunday school for years. In her late seventies she was the youth leader at her church. She even showed them how to ‘rap’.

My parents showed me how to laugh at hardship. They would always plug through life’s disappointments by being faithful and mindful of their blessings. My parents were not rich but had some retirement money invested ‘all in one basket’. They lived off of the interest of that money along with their social security check. They lost all of their investment, because unknown to them, it was invested in a pyramid scheme. They did not get angry, and made up their minds to not worry. They tightened their belts and were happy and content to continue to live well, and to contribute as they always had to the church and to the community. They really never missed a beat.

My mom taught me the value of study and reading books.

My dad showed me the value of learning from life and from work.

My mom showed me how to be a lady and to be well groomed. She learned and practiced graciousness. She was never rude to people in retail settings or social settings, even if they were rude to her. As her life progressed she became proficient at being gracious. She always was groomed well and looked her best when she went out. Because of her I will have a fairly new pair of high heeled shoes in my closet and wear earrings every day. I also always wear perfume, because that is what she did.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, my Dad taught me how to take someone off at the knees. He told me to pick up a brick and hit someone if they gave me any trouble. He didn’t want me to be hurt by others, so he gave me tools to take care of myself. I am, by his license, a warrior woman. I still struggle with these opposite teachings today. However, I have learned that life is a balance and that there is a time for everything under the sun. I can still hear my mother saying, “now Susie, be sweet”, and my dad saying, “kick their ass and don’t take any crap”. After much therapy, I am somewhere in the middle. I did learn that graciousness is a more powerful tool than might.

My mom taught me the importance of correspondence and friendship. She had a big family and lots of friends. She wrote letters nearly every morning. My mom had girlfriends her whole life. I saw the value in friendships because she had an outlet other than Dad or church. She had people to go to functions with or to lunch with. She had people she could confide in for problems or for support. She was a good friend and taught me the importance of knowing good people.

My dad taught me how to pray. How precious is that?

My dad showed me how to become steady after years of teetering on the edge. He changed over night from being one kind of man and father, to better kind of man and father. It was astonishing even to me as a five year old.

My dad was at ease in his body. I have never felt that myself, but I often think about how he moved so gracefully. He was easy in his movements even though he was a very big man. He always looked relaxed.

My mom showed me that it is fun and exhilarating to paint even though you might not have all the skills at first. She taught me how to draw when I was very young. I found much pleasure and escape in drawing most of my life.

My mother showed me that music and singing is a good thing to enjoy and to use as a way of coping.

My parents taught me discipline and self-discipline.

My parents showed me love in very different ways. My mom did things to show her love. She would spend days and weeks planning for my homecoming what she would cook and what we would do. Mom could look her love at you. She looked at me with love. My dad would hug me so hard and kiss me and say, “I lu-uv you! He could make two syllables out of the word love.

Orvel and Eula

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monkeyball Live

RJ has discovered our exercise ball - good thing someone is using it! He and G Man run up and down the house endlessly playing some form of the video game Monkeyball. Their feet pounding on the wood floors and the shrieking is enough to make a mom crazy but it is so sweet to hear them playing so nicely together that I have to overlook the noise (usually). RJ is sometimes forced to play this game alone when his big bro is at school or on a sleepover. This past weekend G Man slept over at a friend's house and RJ came to dad and told him that, "We have a problem, we need to go get G Man cuz I miss him and he's my friend." How sweet is that?

Here are some pics of RJ playing single player Monkey Ball!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

G is for Awesome!

Last night we attended the Golden Scholars awards ceremony with D. Our school district rewards kids who have a 3.8 GPA or higher through this point in the year with some recognition at this ceremony. D's school had 625 out of the 3000 students at his school qualify for this honor - that seems pretty good to me. D has a 4.3 GPA due to some weighted AP classes this year. He will need to continue with this GPA to be able to get into his 1st choice for college - MIT. He is a pretty brainy kid and this is why we lovingly refer to him as "our retirement plan"! In Jr. High and Grade School the kids got medals at this ceremony but in High School they give you a letter! There was lots of excitement about this and we had to laugh because they include in the bag with the letter an ad to have it framed for the low price of $39.95! It was a really nice evening topped off with our traditional post award ceremony stop for ice cream on the way home.

D - you continue to impress us with your work ethic when it comes to your enormous load of homework! Your father and I know that you did not get this from us :). We are so proud of the young man you have become and are excited to see what the future brings for you. We know that you will be able to do anything you set your very imaginative mind to. May the coming years bring you MIT and a Mythbuster's career - dare to dream! Love you bud!

Friday, April 17, 2009

More RJ Wisdom

Can you guess what he is doing with the most awesome fries on the planet?

RJ is an official french fry inspector! We noticed the other day that he was rolling each fry through his fingers before deciding to eat it. So I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he only likes the "squishy" fries. I favor the squishy fries too but refrain from using RJ's method to find them. Note to all who might one day share a large basket of community fries with RJ - DON'T!
Another bit of RJ wisdom from this morning while fixing his hair. I always have him cover his eyes before the hairspray so today he asked why. I told him the the spray might hurt his eyes if it gets in them. Then he said, "Oh yeah, that would give me spicy eyes". RJ is an expert on anything spicy - toothpaste, salsa, any food he doesn't want and now apparently eyes!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Our Easter Sunday started at the crack of dawn with a very excited RJ bursting into our room to tell us that the Easter Bunny had brought him a shirt! After the obligatory pictures with the Easter baskets for mom, the egg hunting started. D and G Man were running around the back yard passing up all of the "real" eggs and looking desperately for the plastic eggs that the Easter Bunny usually puts some spendable green in! Once I figured out what they were up to I put a 4 egg per person limit on the plastic eggs. That rule was met with groans from the older set - I'm so mean. RJ's egg hunt consisted of him trying to find all of the eggs that he had personally colored the night before. If he found an egg that didn't look familiar he would just put it back into place and walk away! We were trying to convince him that it didn't matter who colored the eggs because we were sharing but he wasn't having any of that. It was killing his brothers that he wasn't picking up the remaining plastic eggs. Here is a picture of the older two RUNNING for the plastic eggs.

By the way - the cash in the eggs totaled $8 for each kid so they were not searching for $50's or $100's! But you would have thought they were by the way they were moving.

Here are a couple of pics from the egg coloring party on Saturday night. D and G Man were trying to be very artistic and RJ was death to most eggs that he touched. One of the eggs he dropped on the floor and the other he just plain squished as he was trying to reposition himself at the table - with the egg under his hand. In the picture he is pretending that he is crying - what a ham.

After church we had a BBQ with friends and family. We watched golf, talked, laughed and the kids hid and re-hid Easter eggs for each other all afternoon. What a privilege to be able to celebrate that Jesus is alive by going to church and then spending the day with our loved ones. God bless America!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Audrey Girl

I have become entranced by this blog recently. The author is Angie Smith and the story starts with her 20 week ultra sound and the news that her baby will not live once she is born due to two fatal problems. I always feel a kinship with women who have lost a baby as I have lost two.

The second baby we lost was at 17 weeks and I was not sure I would recover from that loss ever. Our baby had some sort of heart problem but we never knew what. I know that I will see them someday and I secretly (or now not so secretly) I hope they are girls! If not, I will officially have that basketball team G has always dreamed of. Even though the last loss was 8 years ago this past March, it still hurts now and again. The regret of being too stubborn to find out what gender the baby was since we never did that with other babies is still with me.

Back to Angie...I have learned so much through her writing and I feel like she helped me understand or at least see in a different light the loss of a child. Even if you haven't lost a child I think her blog will touch you in some way. So today on her Audrey's 1st birthday, please honor Audrey by reading a little of Angie's blog and watching this video. Audrey was never supposed to take a breath but she lived for a little over 2 1/2 hours. A Kleenex warning definitely comes with this...

Sweet Audrey-Girl from angie smith on Vimeo.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Finally - It's A Girl!!!

Ok, so she doesn't really live with us, she lives in Ghana! We are sponsoring a child -a girl -from Ghana through Compassion International. I chose Ghana because of my friend Jen who has/is adopting children from Ghana. I was touched by her first hand description of the poverty in Ghana and also by how kind the people were to her when she was there. To follow her blog about adopting from Ghana click here. One of the reasons Jen chose Ghana was that her Great Uncle, Father Fran, was a missionary priest there. I had the privilege of knowing Father Fran when he came on visits to the states and the stories he told of the people of Ghana were always touching.

I would love to adopt a little girl and bring her home to live with us but then I would have to find another husband as my current husband feels that we are maxed out on our household child capacity! So, this is the best way I felt I could help out a child that needs it. Our child is Jennifer and she is the same age as RJ. Someday I will figure out how to post her picture but today I am not feeling very tech savvy. The people that I spoke to at Compassion International tell me that I can write letters and send gifts to Jennifer but my monthly sponsorship will be the greatest help of all to her. She will have clean water, food, medical care and an education. This is an area of the world that is hard hit by the AIDS epidemic and there are many children waiting for a sponsor. If you feel at all led, I would encourage you to visit the Compassion website for more information here. It costs less a month than most of us spend on Starbucks!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Consider Yourself Warned

If you see this kid driving around town you might wanna give him some space for now! D and I did his first driving lesson yesterday. The little kids were still in school and the high school had gotten out early after AIMS testing. I figured there was no time like the present. So we went for a short spin around the neighborhood.

We were in hysterics before he even fully backed out of the driveway! I wish I had the fore site to bring a video camera because it was priceless. There was lots of jerking going on - so much that I had to slurp down more of my half full glass of water or one of us was gonna get a bath! By the way this was not a even stick shift and I don't even want to imagine what that would have been like. We laughed our way through the neighborhood with D even confessing at one point that his dad and I make it look really easy! I was thinking about it this morning and decided that I am grateful to have that fun memory with D - there is only one first time driving and I got to be there. It occurred to me that as your children grow into teenagers they make less memories with you and more with their friends so I am going to cherish this one. We haven't laughed like that together for a while. Thanks D!

By the way - G - you will be taking over the driving lessons from here as I remember the N-O doctor telling us the other day that I should avoid any activities that cause a jarring motion of my neck or head! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today's Giggle and More

First - today's giggle. I felt the need for a little pampering (and some callous removal) so I went for a mani/pedi this morning. I was listening to all of the chatter around me that I did not understand when I looked up from my manicure to see the manicurist's state license hanging close to me and then I saw it - her name was... En My Quach! I almost started laughing out loud. I started thinking that this lady was really lucky that she (probably) did not grow up in our country and go to grade school here! I am fairly certain that the pronunciation does not even come close to what went through my brain when I glanced at her name but it still made me smile.

On another note I have been meaning to post some cute pictures of D and me at the Rock and Worship Roadshow concert that we went to last Friday night. I was essentially his ride since the girls from his youth group didn't have room in their car for him but all of the kids were great to me and even tried to include me in their card games. The show was general admission - only $10 - so we stood in line for a few hours so we could get good seats. To pass the time the kids played card games I had never heard of and raced each other at sudoku puzzles. We had a great time and the music was incredible. I loved Addison Road and D's favorite was Hawk Nelson but 10th Avenue North, Jeremy Camp and Mercy Me weren't too shabby either!

Here we are!

Passing time playing cards.

Sudoku races!

More fun and the line.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Please Exit the Ride to Your Left...

...and remember to take all of your belongings with you. Yes, the ride is over! A visit with my N-O (Neuro-Ophthalmologist) yesterday brought us the medical answers we had been searching for - I had a stroke. There is lots of medical speak in the Radiologist's report from my CTA but what it breaks down to is that I have a Dissection in my ICA, which is my Internal Carotid Artery. The ICA is in your brain and not your neck. My N-O explained it to the strokes for idiots students yesterday as the two parts of my vessel separated and caused a 50 to 60% blockage in my ICA. That in turn caused some "turbulence" in my blood flow resulting in the stroke to my optic nerve. It is pretty rare and I am very blessed that the stroke went to my optic nerve and NOT to my brain. The N-O explained that if the stroke had gone to my brain there most likely would have been much more drastic results. So I never thought I would be thankful for my vision loss, but today I am extremely grateful. I still have the blockage so we are on alert for any stroke symptoms but the N-O believes that the ICA will heal itself in time and I will be able to ride roller coasters again before too long.

Thank you God for bringing the answers to my questions and showing the doctor what the cause of my problem was. Thank you for letting me know that I am not going to go blind and that I will still be able to drive, see my children's faces, see my husband's face, see my grand children's faces, scrapbook, put on makeup, do my hair and all of the other silly things that came to my mind over the past couple of days. Thank you for protecting my brain during my stroke and I ask protection over my ICA until it has completely healed. AMEN!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Roller Coasters

Ask my husband or kids and they will all tell you that I am a huge roller coaster fan. I am the first in line and the last to cry uncle. G Man is my roller coaster buddy - when the ride is over we run around and get in line again. D and G are good for one ride and they are done and RJ is still too short so he is undecided but G Man can always count on me to ride until we drop. I started writing about roller coasters this morning because I decided yesterday on my way home from the 5th doctor I have seen since December that I feel like I am on a roller coaster and for the first time in my life - I WANT OFF!

In the last update I gave, my Neurologist had found my only physical problem to be a B12 deficiency so we started B12 shots given to me lovingly my G every month. Up roller coaster. In a follow up visit with the Neurologist he decided that he was not altogether comfortable with the B12 diagnosis and suggested that I see a Neuro-Ophthalmologist and possibly get a spinal tap to completely rule out MS. I put this off for as long as I could until I had an afternoon of Vertigo. That scared me enough to call and make the appointment. Down roller coaster. So off to see my 4th doctor, the Neuro-Optho...she conducted a visual field test in which the results verified the loss of vision in my left eye and a slight loss starting in my right eye. After a couple of hours with her she informs us that she thinks I might have Glaucoma. Finally! A possible diagnosis that makes sense. When I got home I looked up Glaucoma on Wikipedia and there it was - a picture of how a person with Glaucoma sees and it looks like an exaggerated version of my vision. The N-O doctor schedules some more eye testing with yet another doctor (the 5th doc) and sends me on my way. When I left her office I had a strange sense of relief for someone that had just been told they might have a disease that is the second leading cause of blindness in the world! I was just glad to possibly finally have an answer. Up roller coaster.

To shorten this story (a little) the eye doctor visit yesterday ended with the doc telling me that he doesn't think I have Glaucoma. As a matter of fact, he doesn't see any physical reason in my eyes that I should have the vision loss that I have. He recommended tests on my brain at which time I informed him that I had already pretty much every test on my brain known to man - and some of them twice! He then told me that sometimes we have physical problems that cannot be explained medically. He said doctors don't really like that explanation any more than patients do. Down roller coaster.

It's not that I wanted to have Glaucoma, it's just that I wanted some answers. I am afraid that I will go blind and never know why. And there you have it.

I have a follow up appointment with the N-O doctor on Monday to see what she has to say about all of this. I am praying that she won't give up until we have some answers and can bring the ride to an end.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Training

I took the boys to see a Spring training game yesterday. Diamondbacks vs. the A's. G Man and D managed to get signatures from Justin Upton, Mark Reynolds and James Skelton. G Man really had to work for the Reynolds signature but he was polite and patient and finally successful. That was the best part of the day because once the game started the Diamondbacks looked like RJ's T-Ball team! Way too many rookies on the field. We had fun but the D-Backs lost.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Butterflies and Chihuly

The boys and I went to the Desert Botanical Garden on the first official day of their Spring Break. I addition to the butterfly exhibit that we were planning on seeing there was an exhibit of Dale Chihuly glass. It was really amazing and to my surprise, the boys enjoyed the glass exhibit as much as the butterflies!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Field Trip!

The next time I mention to you that I am going to chaperon a field trip please give me the V-8 bop on the noggin!

It was mostly fun if you don't count the school bus ride with loud children and a strict bus driver that felt the need to pull over every time it got noisy on the bus. Ummm - you really need another line of work if you can't handle the sound of an excited bus full of 5th graders on a field trip. It was still mostly fun unless you count the large amount of kids that have not been raised to respect adults (or even teachers) so they talk back to pretty much every adult that asks them to do anything. It was still mostly fun unless you count having to listen to the 5th graders in the back of the bus have a suggestive conversation with each other in front of you until you tell them that they need a new subject to discuss! It WAS downright funny when a 5th grade girl ended up educating all of the others about when a girl "gets her period and blood comes out" during our discussion about how much blood your heart pumps. She then went on to inform all of us that she had "gotten her period"! WOW - I decided that 5th grade ain't like it used to be in the 70's when we were all reading "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?"

I really did have fun with G Man. It is always nice to see how the kids are interacting with the teachers and other students. G Man is a nice young man with pretty good manners when he remembers. I am still waiting for him to ask me what a period is but I am hoping he wasn't paying attention for that moment of TMI. We were highly entertained by our 78 year old tour guide especially when she led all of us in our 6 minutes of exercise. No one was more shocked than her when the little girl started talking about periods!

G Man and Me!

G Man's teacher - Miss P rolling down the big hill with the kids!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Opening Day of Baseball

What an exciting day it was! It started around 7:30 with pictures and opening ceremonies for G Man and ended when RJ's game was over around 1:00. A great time was had by all. Grandma and Grandpa W came from Flagstaff and Mr. J a close family friend was there for all of the festivities as well.

G Man's game was exciting immediately as he was the lead off batter and on the second pitch he hit a home run. We are trying to keep his ego in check by telling him that it should have really been a double - but it did go to the fence he will let you know. G Man pitched well and without pain which was a relief since he hasn't pitched for about a year because of a couple of broken bones last year. After the game the coach awarded the game ball to G Man for setting the tone of the game with his lead off home run. The Mets (us) won 11-2.

RJ's game was fun! Fun is a nice word to use in connection to baseball anymore. When they get to G Man's level it is more intense than fun - so fun was very nice. You gotta love T-ball with rules like - no outs, everyone bats and everyone plays. RJ was the last batter in the first inning so that meant he was the home run hitter. He was excited to have a home run just like G Man. It was T-ball so everyone won the game! The kids were most excited to get snacks and RJ is already talking about his trophy.

As a fun side note to RJ's T-ball team - turns out a childhood friend of mine from Flag lives in the neighborhood next to mine and her daughter is on our T-ball team! We went to school together from Kindergarten all the way to graduation and haven't seen each other since. It really is a small world sometimes.

Here is a slide show from opening day. Love this service (Slide) since sometimes you want to post more than one picture from an event but you don't want your blog post to be a mile long!

Friday, March 6, 2009

T-Ball Dress Rehersal

RJ is starting his first season of T-Ball. They passed out uniforms at the last practice so of course we had to try it on. On the way home from practice RJ explained to us that he wanted to be #3 but someone "stole" it. When we asked him why he wanted to be that number he told us that Babe Ruth is #3 and he wants to "be like that guy". Never underestimate the power of animated movies like Everybody's Hero where your child can learn about Babe Ruth. At least they only show the G rated parts of The Babe's life! RJ never ceases to amaze us with his retention ability. Not much gets past him mentally - the baseball field is another story. So far every ball that rolls his direction goes right between his legs! We are grateful that he doesn't cry every play that he doesn't get to touch the ball like D used to when he was 5. When D played T-Ball we actually pretended not to know who's kid he was because he would throw himself down and cry after every play when he didn't get the ball. Sorry to rat you out D but that is the purpose of blogging - memories!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tea At The White House

This year on Feburary 20th, G and I were invited to Tea at the White House! We were treated to a performance by the 5th graders at G Man's school. They were dressed like past Presidents and First Ladies. We all said the Pledge of Allegiance and the kids sang patriotic songs paying tribute to God, The United States and the all of the Military branches. It was refreshing to hear the kids singing about God and our country and the ACLU didn't even show up! Our G Man was quite a cute Thomas Jefferson.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lordy, Lordy the Princess is 40!

So the sign welcoming me to my surprise 40th birthday party announced! I kinda knew something was up but had no idea of the scope of my friends imaginations. The invitations were rolled scrolls sent in tubes to all invitees and the theme was Renaissance and all were to come in costume. Most everyone at the party came in some sort of costume and if you didn't come in one, my friends provided you with a tiara at the door. Since I knew something was up, I shopped the week before and got some awesome new jeans and a new top and sweater from my favorite White House Black Market. I got to wear my sweet new outfit for all of 1 minute at the party and then my friends promptly dressed me in MY costume for the party! It was a lovely purple crushed velvet dress with silver lame sleeves. I was greeted at the door by a couple of presents - my cousin (and the closest thing I had to a sister when I was younger) from L.A. and a good friend from Montana had come just for the party. My amazement continued as I wandered through the house to find almost all of my friends and loved ones were there. The party was complete with a caterer, a bartender, a princess cake, a chocolate fountain (you haven't lived until you have eaten a chocolate dipped twinkie!) and what seemed like hundreds of candles and jewels covering every surface of my friend's house. It was the best party I have ever been to! You know it must be a good party when a couple of people decide to jump into the unheated pool in mid February. I can't imagine how they would ever be able to top this one. Here I am with the princess cake..

I have to say Thank You to my friends and my hubby for the best 40th birthday party ever!

Monday, February 16, 2009

I CAN be a Digital Scrapbooker!

I have not been so excited about digital scrapbooking since scrapbooking for me is about the process and being social in the process! I was tempted by an advertisement in a magazine to try a website called Scrapblog. Here is the fruits of my labor - a Valentine's book that I made for G. I didn't care for the coloring in my scanned older photos in the printed version of the book but they look great online. So here it is...let me know what you think.

I am pretty sure that this process will not replace my hands on scrapbooking but it will be fun once in a while for a quick project.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Like Riding A Bike!

Where to start after all this time! We are feeling a bit more back to "normal" since our worst ever December. G Man is playing basketball on a team with some buddies and having a great time. They had their closest game since the beginning of the season last Saturday with a final score of 52-24! Their team name is the Crushers and so far that is proving to be true. These boys are not afraid to shoot the ball. Here is a couple of pics from their first game. G Man is #33 and in the first picture he is the one taking the ball in.

The biggest news in our house since the first of the year is that RJ has learned to ride his bike on two tires as he would put it. He just decided one day that he wanted to have the training wheels off and he pretty much has been on two wheels since then. Here is a little video of his first ride!

The biggest news for D is in the second semester he has continued on with his straight A's (even in the weighted classes) so he still has his 4.60 GPA! Great job bud!!! Sorry no pics of D at high school working hard - he has strictly forbidden me from causing any embarrassing moments for him at school.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This Blog Has Been Temporarily Interrupted By...LIFE

The best thing I have to say about this holiday season is that we survived...barely!
In early December I visited several doctors about a visual loss that I have suffered in my left eye. After 11 vials worth of blood tests, an MRI, a Carotid duplex scan, a couple of EEGs, and an Echo cardiogram with bubble test - it was determined that I have a possible vitamin B12 deficiency!!! There was nothing in my brain as my kids were saying so it was good to hear that it was not life threatening. So now all we have to do is give me my B12 shots, try to figure out why my body does not absorb B12 and pray my eyesight returns to normal. The doctors have differing opinions about weather or not my vision will return so I am just going to pray.

I received the results of all my tests on Christmas Eve which was also the day we found out that my Father in Law was in the hospital with some heart problems - his defibrillator had zapped him in the middle of the night. The news was that he would be home in time for Christmas. Unfortunately, they did not send him home for Christmas so my MIL and FIL spent their first Christmas morning in 53 years apart. My FIL remained in the hospital after Christmas so G and I got in the car and headed to Tucson to spend the day with him. They were keeping him in the ICU which concerned us and there seemed to be very little communication with doctors and that proved to be frustrating. We enjoyed our visit and headed home Friday night. Saturday we were told by the family that he was doing even better than Friday. By Sunday after church our phone was ringing telling us that he would not live through the day. We packed up the kids and some clothes and headed out. We left the kids with some cousins and grandparents and drove the longest drive ever across Tucson to the hospital. We went into the ICU and were surprised to find my FIL talking to us and making jokes about how he was going to charge admission to all the people parading through his room! Based on his extremely low blood pressure and lack of appetite we started preparing ourselves for the probability that he was not going to make it home. The days that followed are a blur of long days and nights at the hospital, visits to hospice facilities, a trip back home for more medical tests for me and to get more clothes - and lots of tears.

My FIL, Morgan, passed away on New Year's Eve morning around 5:45. He had had G's sister call G at about 5:00 that morning so that he could tell him how much he loved him and how proud he was of him. He even sounded pretty good on the phone so the call 45 minutes later to tell us he had passed away was a bit of a surprise. The human will is an amazing thing. I don't think I can make it through a post yet about what a wonderful man he was so that will follow soon.

Morgan - you will be missed and never forgotten by the family that you devoted yourself to. We love you...

Our last family photo taken in October - minus one nephew that was at a band competition.