Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Here is our 3 Day Team - Team Tig-O-Bitties!
That is me on the left, Sand in the middle and T on the right. It was Sand's idea to pose like we were at glamor shots! Aren't we cute. We did our last long training walk this past Saturday. During our walk, a jogger approached us and told us "good job ladies" and she was applauding for us! We thanked her and asked her if she was also doing the 3 day walk. She told us that she was not but she had just wanted to stop and take a moment to personally thank us. She then went on to tell us that she would not be alive if not for the Susan G. Komen foundation! WOW!!! Goosebumps and tear city. That was a true motivator and now I have something to answer the question - WHY? - with when people ask me about the $2200 and the 60 miles and all the training time. You don't have to personally know a WHY to support this cause - over 182,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and over 40,000 women will die of breast cancer in 2008. This statistic does not take into account any men that will be diagnosed or die from breast cancer in 2008. Much has been made of the fact that breast cancer gets a lot of attention, possibly at the expense of other causes, but the fact is that breast cancer touches all of us in some way or another eventually. But I pray it doesn't...

1 comment:

Jen said...

It is always so nice to hear how what you are doing makes a difference. You go girls!!
