Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanks to our 3 Day Supporters!

This is the Tig-O-Bitties "bra"! I am not sure my sons would appreciate being referred to as a bra, but those are the breaks when you get involved in the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk. This crew consists of all of our hubbies, kids and our friend Hueso. Getting our children involved was very important so they could have a sense of the community and know a little bit more about why mom has been spending so much time training and fundraising. Many of our fellow walkers were jealous of our bra (two Expeditions, windows painted in pink and a tiny Toyota bearing signs like "don't slack - check your rack!") followed us daily and met us at our pit stops. While we stood in the potty lines at the pit stop, our hubbies were refilling our water and Gatorade - what a godsend! Our bra not only supported us, but they supported all walkers with Popsicles, ice, water and of course cheering. At one point, we texted our boys to let them know that we would love to have some visene and I kid you not, they pulled up 5 minutes later with two kinds of visene! I don't think the 3 of us could have asked for any more support from our families during our walk. They were thoughtful with roses, Popsicles, toilet seat covers, ice and even beer at the finish. A thousand thank yous to our wonderful "bra". Love you guys & gal!

I also want to mention the support we received from family, friends and co-workers attending our functions and bidding on silent auction items. Financial support is one of the most important aspects of the 3 Day. Thanks to Jen for selling our cards for us at her office and to MJ for selling over $2oo of our handmade cards to her co-workers in Montana!

I will leave you with one last pic of our friend Hueso in her day 3 support getup. At least she color coordinated with us!

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