Our Easter Sunday started at the crack of dawn with a very excited
RJ bursting into our room to tell us that the Easter Bunny had brought him a shirt! After the obligatory pictures with the Easter baskets for mom, the egg hunting started. D and G Man were running around the back yard passing up all of the "real" eggs and looking desperately for the plastic eggs that the Easter Bunny usually puts some spendable green in! Once I figured out what they were up to I put a 4 egg per person limit on the plastic eggs. That rule was met with groans from the older set - I'm so mean.
RJ's egg hunt consisted of him trying to find all of the eggs that he had personally colored the night before. If he found an egg that didn't look familiar he would just put it back into place and walk away! We were trying to convince him that it didn't matter who colored the eggs because we were sharing but he wasn't having any of that. It was killing his brothers that he wasn't picking up the remaining plastic eggs. Here is a picture of the older two RUNNING for the plastic eggs.

By the way - the cash in the eggs totaled $8 for each kid so they were not searching for $50's or $100's! But you would have thought they were by the way they were moving.
Here are a couple of pics from the egg coloring party on Saturday night. D and G Man were trying to be very artistic and RJ was death to most eggs that he touched. One of the eggs he dropped on the floor and the other he just plain squished as he was trying to reposition himself at the table - with the egg under his hand. In the picture he is pretending that he is crying - what a ham.

After church we had a BBQ with friends and family. We watched golf, talked, laughed and the kids hid and re-hid Easter eggs for each other all afternoon. What a
privilege to be able to celebrate that Jesus is alive by going to church and then spending the day with our loved ones. God bless America!
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