Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Audrey Girl

I have become entranced by this blog recently. The author is Angie Smith and the story starts with her 20 week ultra sound and the news that her baby will not live once she is born due to two fatal problems. I always feel a kinship with women who have lost a baby as I have lost two.

The second baby we lost was at 17 weeks and I was not sure I would recover from that loss ever. Our baby had some sort of heart problem but we never knew what. I know that I will see them someday and I secretly (or now not so secretly) I hope they are girls! If not, I will officially have that basketball team G has always dreamed of. Even though the last loss was 8 years ago this past March, it still hurts now and again. The regret of being too stubborn to find out what gender the baby was since we never did that with other babies is still with me.

Back to Angie...I have learned so much through her writing and I feel like she helped me understand or at least see in a different light the loss of a child. Even if you haven't lost a child I think her blog will touch you in some way. So today on her Audrey's 1st birthday, please honor Audrey by reading a little of Angie's blog and watching this video. Audrey was never supposed to take a breath but she lived for a little over 2 1/2 hours. A Kleenex warning definitely comes with this...

Sweet Audrey-Girl from angie smith on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Lifepics said...

I am so sad for her and for anyone who has lost a baby early or at full term. I have a neighbor who also knew when she was pregnant that her baby would not live. Her story was made bitter with her husband walking out on her two months after their daughter’s death. God was her hope and strength. She received healing from the grieving process (and it still is a process) and from the love and support from all who know her.